Tuesday, December 24, 2013

December 22nd afternoon walk

In the week or so before we'd gotten a couple of snow storms that had given us about a foot of snow. Then the weather warmed up over the weekend and the snow began to melt. Fog was everywhere. We could see it rolling around above the ground. In some places it was pretty cool. In other places in New England it was pretty miserable driving. I decided to take a walk Sunday afternoon. Of course I brought the camera.

This sign didn't used to be there. I think it was put up after the fire on North Laurel last year.

Lonely horses-



Someday I'm going to walk this--

Can you see 2 horses?

More horses-

Another road in the woods not taken-

Walking down into the fog-

There is a path next to this sign. Someday I want to walk it. Maybe it comes out on the other side.

Another horse--

Road to the boat ramp-

Someone tried to go down the unplowed road, or at least parked there.

At the end of someone's driveway-

You can't read it I guess but it says no boat ramp access, dead end, locals and deliveries only.. pretty much.

Path to the cemetery-

The dam--

The state beach--

Yes, that's a phone booth--

Christmas dog has been replaced this year--

Snowmobile trail. Pretty.

The cove--

Almost home-

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

And we're back!

Well hopefully we have the technical difficulties resolved. It turned out that some of it was "user error" I guess. As in I wasn't pushing the camera card far enough into the adapter because I was afraid I'd break something. Anyway, while I have also been challenged by the lack of daylight in my travels, I will now endeaver to get back on track with you all here. I do miss doing this. Here's a little color I found on my walk the other day.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

currently experiencing technical difficulties

While I was on vacation the computer I use to store my photos died. Then the adapter that I have to plug my photo card into another computer died also. So while I do have some pretty pictures, I need to get either another adapter or another computer (both probably) so that I can upload them. I could use my daughter's computer but hers is big and not very portable, and often in use by her anyway.

Meanwhile there was a heron in the cove at Lake Wyola yesterday morning. I can't wait to show you.


Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday morning in August deer & herons

It was a beautiful morning today. It's been hard getting photos of the lake because the sun shines right in my eyes as I pass the dam. Still I wanted to give you all a shot... there was a heron that I saw picking up a fish but I couldn't capture that in this light...

Then I drove down the other side of the mountain, down the "S" curves and across the Amherst town line. At the farm at Haskins Meadow I saw another heron, and then I saw two deer. Those pictures came out better--