I'm a little torn on which blog to post these pictures to. There's a story here... actually two stories but I think for now I'll leave the stories out.
My daughter and I took a walk yesterday on town land. It used to be a private residence but the town bought it, let the fire department burn down the house for training purposes, and is hoping to build a library here some day. Okay, there. That's the first story. Here's the pictures.
The garage is still standing..
A clearing behind the garage. Was this where the pond was or was it further out?
Monitoring wells are scattered all over the place right now.
I wish I could rotate this one..
Sand, clay... is this where the pond was? This is further out in the woods.
A circle... where the sand and clay are. Could be where a pond was, or no? I'm not sure. This is as far out as we went.
Looking across the street. The town highway department is directly across from the road that leads out into the woods. The road is recently traveled, probably by the well diggers.
More pictures of the garage...
Pardon the camera strap. This is where the house or front yard would have been.
Another closer photo of the garage.
More pictures of the front of the property. Probably where the library would be. It's been cleaned up recently.
Pretty sure this clearing is where the library would go.
I once saw a moose here. It's hard to imagine a building here but there was before, and I guess some day there will be again.